Ramy Java

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Szukaj wyników

Znaleźliśmy 6 freelancerów. dla kategorii Ramy Java

Java Software Developer

Jestem doświadczonym Full stuck Java Software Developerem (Angular). W branży pracuje już około 10 lat. Mogę utworzyć zarówno proste jak i bardziej złożone projekty od podstaw. Mogę również podjąć...

Wołowice, Polska

Spring 10 Ramy Java 10 Hibernate (Java) 10 J2SE (Java SE) 10 mySQL 10 PostgreSQL 10 Representational State Transfer (REST) 10 Linux (Kernel) 10 Angular 6 HTML5 10

Ramy Java 1

chief software engineer

i have been working for 10 years in IT services and procudt development and worked solving many tough tasks of several high end banking clients as well as product companies.

warsaw, Polska

Ramy Java 10 Spring 10 SQL 6 MongoDB 3 Java Message Service (JMS) 4

Java Full Stack Developer

I have been creating web application for last 6 years. I have worked mostly with the financial institutions like Paypal, Unimoni, UBS. I have worked mostly on Java 8 , React and node js.

Krakow, Polska

Ramy Java 6 React (JavaScript library) 3 Node.js 3 Spring 5 JavaScript 3 JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) 6

Senior Java Developer

Hi all, I'm Senior Java Developer. Will be happy to do your software tasks. My stack: Java (8+) JEE (EJB, JMS,...) API REST ou SOAP Spring (SpringBoot, Spring Data,...) JPA...

Warsaw, Polska

Java Architecture for XML Binding (JAXB) 7 JavaScript 6 Ramy Java 6

Software Development in Test

I have a total of 9 years of automation experience into Test Automation with multiple languages such as Java. C#, Python and Javascript and multiple tools such as Selenium, Cypress, RestAssured,...

Wroclaw, Polska

C# 9 Ramy Java 5 Selenium 9 Python 3 JUnit 2 Behavior Driven Development (BDD) 5 Zarządzanie jakością techniczną / QS / QA 9

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